In this space you are invited to immerse yourself in a vision. With the help of technology, a space is created through digitally simulated natural elements. In this currently deteriorated space, virtual reality presents a version of the space in which nature has taken the hand of design and gives vitality to this demolished house.
A vacant house is always a reminder of idle past events and the moments of life left behind, but on the other hand it enables receptivity to biodiversity. This project captures a moment of utopian visionary of a post-human world, in which the untamed forces of nature become visible that were behind the desolation of the built environment. The process of decay itself is a re-wilding process carried out by non-anthropogenic hands.
An alternative thinking of building - instead of building for eternity, can we build for sustainability and diversity, be humble and retreat to a less dominant role in the process of shaping the shaping the world?